Cli Applications

About Hiboot cli application

Hiboot cli application is built based on top of cobra with Hiboot dependency injection and auto configuration.


  • Dependency Injection
  • Sub command handler

Cli application structure

├── cmd
│   ├── bar.go
│   ├── foo.go
│   ├── root.go
│   ├── root_test.go
│   └── second.go
├── config
│   ├── autoconfigure.go
│   └── autoconfigure_test.go
├── main.go
├── main_test.go
└── model
    ├── foo.go
    └── foo_test.go

Just like web application, Hiboot cli application is designed to be simpler and easier.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// create new cli application and run it
		SetProperty(app.ProfilesInclude, config.Profile).

Root Command

package cmd

import (

// HelloCommand is the root command
type HelloCommand struct {

	profile string
	timeout int

// HelloCommand the root command
func NewHelloCommand(second *secondCommand) *HelloCommand {
	c := new(RootCommand)
	c.Use = "hello"
	c.Short = "hello command"
	c.Long = "Run hello command"
	c.ValidArgs = []string{"baz"}
	pf := c.PersistentFlags()
	pf.StringVarP(&c.profile, "profile", "p", "dev", "e.g. --profile=test")
	pf.IntVarP(&c.timeout, "timeout", "t", 1, "e.g. --timeout=1")
	return c

// Run root command handler
func (c *HelloCommand) Run(args []string) error {
	log.Infof("handle first command: profile=%v, timeout=%v", c.profile, c.timeout)
	return nil

Sub Command

package cmd

import (

type secondCommand struct {

func init() {

func newSecondCommand(foo *fooCommand, bar *barCommand) *secondCommand {
	c := new(secondCommand)
	c.Use = "second"
	c.Short = "second command"
	c.Long = "Run second command"
	c.Add(foo, bar)
	return c

func (c *secondCommand) Run(args []string) error {
	log.Info("handle second command")
	return nil